All incoming Graduate Voice Performance Majors entering the University of North Texas, College of Music are required to take a placement exam in Vocal Literature. This test will be administered during Graduate Orientation week, prior to the first semester of study. This exam is the first step in assuring competency in song literature. Competency in this area will be evaluated at the end of the MM and DMA degrees as a part of the exit examinations for both degrees.
MM students who pass this exam will have satisfied the proficiency. MM students who do not pass this exam may attempt the exam again in November. Students who do not meet the minimum score on a second attempt will be required to take MUAG 5210 with a grade of B or better.
This course could count towards their required elective hours. MUAG 4210 may also be used, with additional assignments, at the discretion of the instructor.
DMA students who pass this exam may enroll in the 6000 level literature courses required for DMA studies in voice. DMA students who do not pass this exam must take MUAG 5210 before enrolling in the 6000 level courses.
DMA students are required to take 6 credits of vocal literature from the following:
MUAG 5210 Vocal Literature Survey (spring)
MUAG 5225 Oratorio Repertoire and Practicum (fall)
MUAG 5660 Studies in Opera Repertoire (Opera Literature) (fall)
MUAG 6280 Vocal Literature (spring)
MUAG 6290 Vocal Literature (spring)
Vocal literature includes art song, opera and oratorio repertoire as its core. DMA students are expected to display a comprehensive knowledge of all three of these bodies of literature to successfully pass the qualifying exam at the end of their studies.
In rare and exceptional circumstances, and with the prior approval of the student’s major professor, who will have access to the student’s vocal literature placement exam, students may petition the voice faculty to substitute another course for one of those above.
Approval of the petition is contingent on the student:
- having passed the literature placement exam with a score of 95 or better; and,
- demonstrating readiness at the time of the petition to successfully pass the literature portion of the DMA qualifying exams (via brief written exam administered by the major professor and graded by at least two voice faculty members).
After reviewing the written exam, the voice faculty will vote on the petition. The faculty’s decision will be considered final.
Placement Examination
The placement exam will include fill in the blank, short answer, and essay questions on the following topics: composers, major works, poets, terminology related to vocal literature, general history/stylistic characteristics for song literature in the major sung languages. In addition to reviewing notes from previous vocal literature study, Carol Kimball's Song is a recommended source for preparation.
MM students must achieve a minimum score of 75 to demonstrate acceptable proficiency.
DMA students must achieve a minimum score of 85 to demonstrate acceptable graduate-level proficiency.