Grades and Continuous Enrollment

All voice students are expected to make progress toward their degrees each semester. If the voice faculty finds that a student is not making sufficient academic progress, including in the applied voice lessons, that student may be disqualified from the voice major or concentration at any time. The College of Music is also closely monitoring academic progress and taking action where there are concerns. Students who have been disqualified must re-audition for acceptance at the major or concentration level. There is no guarantee that such students will be allowed to register for secondary voice lessons or that they will be readmitted at the major or concentration level after a period of secondary or private study.

It is expected that all undergraduate and master’s voice majors and concentrations will enroll in voice lessons each long semester until their requirements are met (either by completing the senior or master’s recital for performance majors or the concentration proficiency for concentrations.) Students who fail to receive a passing grade (i.e. other than “I”, “W”, “WF” or “F”) for two long semesters may be required to re-audition for acceptance as a voice major or concentration.


Degree Progress and Academic Dismissal Policy
Students must maintain satisfactory progress towards their degree and are subject to university policies regarding academic probation and suspension. In addition, they will be subject to dismissal from the program if one or more of the following conditions apply:

1. If the student receives one grade of a C or lower in two consecutive semesters.
2. If the student receives two grades of a C or lower in a single semester.
3. If the student receives a grade of NPR for thesis or dissertation hours in two consecutive semesters.

In cases where one or more of these conditions apply, students will typically be removed from their program upon the recommendation of the director of graduate studies in consultation with the division chair and major professor. Students may appeal this decision by contacting the College of Music associate dean for academic affairs.